WLF - World Lung Foundation
WLF stands for World Lung Foundation
Here you will find, what does WLF stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate World Lung Foundation? World Lung Foundation can be abbreviated as WLF What does WLF stand for? WLF stands for World Lung Foundation. What does World Lung Foundation mean?World Lung Foundation is an expansion of WLF
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Alternative definitions of WLF
- Wolfson Microelectronics, plc
- Williams- Landel- Ferry Equation
- Wisconsin Landscape Federation
- Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
- Wisconsin Lions Foundation
- Women's Leadership Forum
- Wave Log Format
- Argo WebLoad Upload file
View 57 other definitions of WLF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- WLA West Lakes Academy
- WPL World Productions Ltd
- WA The Wood Agency
- WCRS Waste Cost Reduction Services
- WIE Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship
- WIFA Wild Island Family Adventure
- WIAL Wiseman Institute of Applied Learning
- WMSB West Milton State Bank
- WEGFS WEG France Sas
- WBH Weston Body Hardware
- WFC Wells Fargo Co
- WSCP West Suburban Community Pantry
- WHCC Weston Hills Country Club
- WOC White Oak Communications
- WCC Woodland Country Club
- WHS West Hotel Sydney
- WCT Wildlife Conservation Trust
- WHP Wendover Housing Partners
- WAF The Wildlife Aid Foundation
- WTE Wet Tech Energy